Transform Your Body, Gain Confidence, and Enjoy Life Without Compromise

Personalized online coaching for men aiming for total body transformation. Whether you want to lose fat, build muscle, or both, l've got you covered. Learn from a coach with experience and a proven system that makes fitness simple and sustainable.

What the hell is online coaching?

Online coaching is a relatively new concept, but in my humble and accurate opinion, it’s the future of health and fitness.

Imagine going to your doctor for a check-up, and instead of hearing the usual unhelpful advice like:

"You should lose some weight - just eat a little less and move a little more,"

Instead they say:

"Let me hook you up with Coach Eric who will get you ripped and healthy."

You’d probably respond with:

"Fuck yeah!"

And then, I’ll help you get ripped and healthy. 😤

This is you without me by your side.
Without Eric.jpg

This is you with me helping you along the way.
With Eric.jpg

See how much better that is?

Stop wasting so much time and energy trying to figure this out on your own, and instead outsource it to a qualified professional named Eric Hunsicker.

When you train in person, you're limited to who is local, dealing with scheduling issues, and paying more for just a workout. Online training offers more value with flexible scheduling and comprehensive support at a lower cost.

What do I get when I sign up?

This is a fully customized program, so in order to get you the best results possible you'll get...

✍🏻 Initial Assessment

After we've both decided that we are a good fit, I'll send you through the onboarding portal where you will fill out a questionnaire about your current health, goals, what gym equipment you have access to, training and diet history etc.

You'll perform a movement assessment, take intial progress pictures, and take all your initial metrics. This way we'll have a great foundation to work and build your custom plan from.

🏋️ Custom Training Program and On-Going

Your program is not ready right now. I can't just go grab it off the shelf and hand it to you because it hasn't been built yet.

No one's body is the same, so why should their training plan be?

You'll receive training programs designed specifically for your needs, experience, schedule, likes/ dislikes, and injury history.

And don't worry, I promise I won't make you do a single burpee or upside-downbosu-ball-squat-to-curl-to-bench-press becasue that's just some bullshit nonsense and we ain't here to fuck around.

Every exercise comes with a video on how to properly perform each exercise, along with notes and instructions for each exercise.

You'll also be able to upload your form videos directly in the training app right next to your results so I can give you feedback on your form to make sure you're staying safe and getting the most out of each and every rep.

🍕 Custom Nutrition Coaching and On-Going Guidance

You'll receive precise guidelines on your daily calorie intake, protein, fat, and carbohydrate requirements, tailored to your dietary preferences, likes, and dislikes. Whether you prefer high-carb, low-carb, keto, paleo, or vegan diets, I've got you covered.
No more guessing or conflicting advice from online calculators. You'll have a clear dietary plan that includes meal suggestions to fit those numbers, ensuring you know exactly how much of what to eat to reach your goals, all while enjoying the foods you love.

🦄 Complete Individualization

I only take on clients I’m confident I can help, which is why we start with an application process to ensure we're a perfect fit.

If we decide to work together, you'll fill out a Client Intake Form detailing your training and nutrition history, injuries, preferred exercises, and habits to improve. This allows me to create a personalized plan to get you started quickly.

Throughout our coaching, I'll adjust your plan to fit your lifestyle—whether it's vacations, weddings, or work events. By the end, you’ll confidently handle any situation while staying on track with your fitness goals.

I understand the challenges of staying on track while traveling or managing a busy lifestyle. I will research your hotel or Airbnb and create an adjustable training program to fit whatever equipment is available. I’ll also develop a nutritional strategy to help you enjoy the local cuisine while keeping your diet on track.

🧠 Client Education 

Within 24 hours of signing up, you’ll gain access to our exclusive Private Member's Lab, which includes content on training, nutrition, fat loss, muscle building, and more.

I believe in empowering my clients through education so that I’m the last coach you’ll ever need. I’ll explain the reasoning behind your personalized instructions, ensuring you understand the "why" behind every step. Feel free to ask questions and provide feedback—your understanding is crucial.

My ultimate goal is for you to become self-sufficient. I know I've succeeded when you say, "I’m ready to apply what I've learned and tackle this on my own!"

📅 Weekly Check-Ins

You’ll check in with me once per week to assess your progress, reflect on your wins, and identify areas for improvement. This is a valuable time for you to receive feedback, make necessary adjustments, and set goals for the upcoming week.

We'll discuss how your week went, celebrate your successes, and pinpoint where improvements can be made. My feedback will help you stay on track and continuously progress towards your goals.

📱 Direct Access to me

In addition to the weekly check-ins, you have direct access to me via WhatsApp and can schedule calls as needed.

Got questions? Feeling unsure about something? Need clarification on your workouts or nutrition plan? I'm always just a message away. Whether it's about your fitness journey or a fun debate like why In-N-Out has the best burgers out there, I'm here to help.

Say goodbye to frustration, anxiety, and confusion. I’ll handle your training and nutrition, so you can focus on the rest of your life with confidence and ease.

How does it work?

Get started in 8️⃣ easy steps.

Getting started couldn't be easier - just follow the steps below.

1️⃣ Apply for Coaching

Click any of the “Click HERE to Get Started” buttons on this page to get started with a super quick application.

2️⃣ Application Review

I'll review your application and, if I'm confident I can help you reach your goals, I'll reach out via email and text.

3️⃣ Select Your Plan

Review the pricing and packages section and choose the plan that best suits your needs.

4️⃣ Onboarding Portal

Once you've purchased your package, I'll send you a link to the onboarding portal to complete all necessary intake information.

5️⃣Onboarding Call

We'll schedule a call to review your initial plan, answer any questions, and get to know each other better.

6️⃣ Execute the Plan

Follow the plan while I guide you through weekly checkins and ongoing communication.

7️⃣ Progress and Adjust

Continuously improve and adapt the plan as needed.

8️⃣ Achieve Your Goals

Get jacked, ripped, cut, shredded, yoked, or whatever adjective suits your ego best.

David after 24 weeks of online coaching.

Pricing and Packages

There is a 6-month minimum commitment. This ensure you will see the results you're hoping for, and more importantly these results will actually last.

Monthly Package


6-month commitment

Click HERE to Get Started

6-Month Package

6-month package

$300 savings

Click HERE to Get Started

12-Month Package

12-months package

$1,200 savings

Click HERE to Get Started

Who I Work With

Men Ages 20+

I feel the most confident being able to help guys lose fat and build muscles as that is the experience I can draw upon from my past personal work and working with only males for the past few years.

Ideally Has Some Experience Lifting

You don’t need to be a super-advanced lifter, but having a basic understanding of lifting weights is a huge plus. This online program builds on a good foundation to ensure effective progress. If you're a beginner, that's fine too—we'll start from the basics and work up.

Must Be Willing to Track Macros and Calories

This is the most effective way to get results. Tracking calories and macros is like training wheels for your nutrition. Eventually, you'll learn how to manage without tracking, but it's essential at the start. This is not a death sentence or something you will have to do for the rest of your life, but at least for a time you need to be willing to do this.

No Major Injuries or Illnesses

I'm not a doctor, therapist, or injury specialist. I specialize in helping healthy individuals look better naked by losing fat and building muscle.

You Want to Lose Fat, Build Muscle, or Both

I can help you lose fat and build muscle. If you're looking to get dick-skin shredded and hop on stage for a bodybuilding competition, then I'm probably not your guy. Or if you want to improve your underwater pilates, then I'm just not that guy.

Commitment and Dedication

You need to be ready to put in the work, follow the plan, and make the necessary sacrifices to achieve your fitness goals. If you're serious about transforming your body and life, then we're a good fit.

Is online coaching for you?

Online coaching isn't for everyone, and it’s important to understand if it’s the right fit for you.

Online coaching might not be right for you if:

❌ You’re looking for a quick fix – online coaching focuses on sustainable, long-term results rather than instant transformations.

❌ You need constant motivation during workouts – if you need someone to be there every step, in-person training could be more effective.

❌ You’re currently injured – it's crucial to see a physical therapist and get those issues resolved first.

Online coaching is definitely for you if:

✅ You want to work with a dedicated coach rather than being limited by whoever is local. I’ve worked with many clients online, helping them achieve their goals without geographical constraints.

✅ You’re tired of jumping from one diet to another without seeing results. I provide structured and personalized plans that remove the guesswork.

✅ You’re done second-guessing yourself and want to leave the decisions to an experienced professional. My methods are tried and true, backed by years of experience and client success.

It’s not magic.

I’ve helped countless men transform their bodies and lives, but remember, coaching isn’t magic. Paying for a service doesn’t guarantee results – you need to be willing to put in the work.

Changing your body, health, and fitness isn’t complicated, but it’s not easy either. There will be tough days, frustrations, and moments when you want to quit.

Are you ready to commit?

If you’re serious about changing your body, ready to work hard, make some sacrifices, and ditch habits that aren’t serving you, then we’re a match. I’m here to guide you, but I’m not here to babysit. If you’re looking for a quick fix or someone to constantly push you to get off the couch, this isn’t for you.

However, if you're ready to take control of your health, build better habits, and get fit for life while still enjoying activities like socializing (while still being able to drink if that’s your thing 🍺), snowboarding, golfing, or wake surfing, then let's get started. If this sounds like you, click "Apply" and let's make it happen.


💭 Can you accommodate injuries or exercises I dislike? 

As long as it’s not a major injury, it shouldn’t be an issue. However, I’m not a medical professional, so I can’t provide treatment for injuries. As for exercises you don’t like - yes - I can accommodate you, as long you don’t just “happen” to dislike all leg exercise. 

💭 How is your coaching unique? 

You get me, Eric Hunsicker. There are countless other coaches and resources out there, but you’re considering working with me. Why? (That’s your answer.)

My answer? I’m a pretty fucking sick dude if I do say so myself and we’ll become friends throughout the program which is, priceless.

💭 Will I need to follow a strict meal plan? Can I still enjoy alcohol and dining out? 

No strict meal plans here. They don’t teach sustainable nutrition habits. Instead, I can provide meal templates and ideas to help you meet your goals. You can absolutely enjoy alcohol and dining out—most of my clients do and still see fantastic results. Now obviously there are limits to this, but this program won’t be completely miserable and you’ll still get to enjoy yourself within reason. 

💭 How quickly can I get started after signing up? 

After signing up, it usually takes 3-5 days to create and implement your tailored plan. While your customized plan takes time to develop, you’ll receive starting protocols immediately to begin your journey.

💭 What if I’m new to macros and training? 

That’s perfectly fine! I’m known for educating my clients. I’ll guide you through the entire process, ensuring you understand what you’re doing and why. My goal is to make you self-sufficient, so when you finish working with me, you can maintain your results independently.

💭 How often will we communicate? 

You’ll have unlimited access to me via WhatsApp and can schedule calls as needed. We’ll have formal weekly check-ins to review your progress, report metrics, and get feedback. Communication isn’t limited to these check-ins—I’m here to support you whenever you need it. I pride myself on building strong relationships with my clients.

💭 What is the commitment required? 

Commit to a 6-month minimum. Complete your check-ins every week. Maintain a positive attitude and be open and honest about any struggles. I’m here to help you find solutions.

Still not sure?

Check out all these past & present members of the tribe who took action and transformed.

Let's get started together 💪🏻

Click the button below to get started today.