You started going to the what?

We've all been there - walking into a gym and not knowing what the fuck to do.

It's okay, it happens.

But let's fix that once and for all.

Below you will find an excellent workout template for beginners, intermidates, and advance trainees.

Let's get it brahhhh.

German Body Composition (GBC)

German Body Composition (GBC)

This template is based off of a GBC style workout which stands for German Body Composition. In short, what GBC workouts consist of are full body workouts that superset lower body exercises with upper body exercises. It follows the format below:

A1. Lower Anterior
A2. Upper Posterior

B1. Lower Posterior
B2. Upper Anterior

C1. Weakness/client's desire/metcon
C2. Weakness/client's desire/metcon

D1. Weakness/client's desire/metcon
D2. Weakness/client's desire/metcon

Don't worry - you don't need to know what all that means, just follow along below

I love programming these workouts because you can perform 2x, 3x, 4x, or 6x per week depending on your level of fitness and goals.

Just alternate between Workout A and Workout B and you'll be Gucci.

Alright, enough nerd-talk let's get into the workout 🏋🏻

Don't knock it, until you try it.

Workout A


  • 3 sets of 12-15 Rest 1-2 min. | Tempo: 3010
    • Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
    • Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
  • 3 sets of 12-15 Rest 1-2 min. | Tempo: 3010
    • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
    • Barbell Bench Press
  • 2 sets of 15-20 Rest 30-60 sec.
    • Ab Wheel Rollouts
    • TRX Bicep Curls
    • TRX Skull Crushers

A) 3 sets of 12-15 | Tempo: 3010 | Rest 1-2 min.

A1. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

A2. Chest Supported Dumbbell Row

B) 3 sets of 12-15 | Tempo: 3010 | Rest 1-2 min.

B1. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

B2. Barbell Bench Press

C) 2 sets of 15-20 Rest 30-60 sec.

C1. Ab Wheel Rollouts

C2. TRX Bicep Curls

C3. TRX Skull Crushers

Workout B


  • 3 sets of 12-15 Rest 1-2 min. | Tempo: 3010
    • Barbell Hip Thrust
    • Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • 3 sets of 12-15 Rest 1-2 min. | Tempo: 3010
    • Goblet Squat VIDEO
    • Neutral Grip Chinup / Pulldown
  • 10 rounds of:
    • Your Choice of Cardio (Run, bike, row, jump rope, etc.)
    • 30 sec. WORK
    • 30sec. REST

A) 3 sets of 12-15 | Tempo: 3010 | Rest 1-2 min.

A1. Barbell Hip Thrust

A2. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

B) 3 sets of 12-15 | Tempo: 3010 | Rest 1-2 min.

B1. Goblet Squat

B2. Neutral Grip Chinup / Pulldown

C) 10 rounds of:

Your Choice of Cardio (Run, bike, row, jump rope, etc.)

-30 sec. WORK

-30sec. REST

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