Workout Splits For Every Schedule

Whether you only have time to squeeze in two workouts each week, or you’re a permanent resident of the iron paradise here’s a quick guide on how you should split up your training.

One thing to keep in mind, the less days you are in the gym, the more sets and total volume you'll need to do compared to spending more days in the gym where you won't need as many sets and total volume.

2 days per week

Two full body workouts are you best bet when you only have time for two days in the gym.

You could also do 1 upper day and 1 lower day, but I’d suggest full body days.

3 days per week

3 training days per week leaves you with 2 options

  • 3 full body workouts or
  • 1 Upper, 1 Lower, and 1 Full Body workout

4 days per week

4 training days per week I think is the sweet spot for most people and there’s a few different options:

  • An Upper/Lower split with 2 upper and 2 lower workouts in the week
  • Upper, Lower and 2 full body days
  • Or, 4 full body days

5 days per week

5 days per week is typically the most I’d recommend for MOST people but you could do either:

  • Legs, Push, Pull, Lower, Upper
  • Legs, Push, Pull, and 2 full body workouts
  • 3 full body workouts and an upper and a lower
  • or, you guesses it, 5 full body days

6 days per week

Now 6 days per week is probably best reserved for more advanced lifters who need the extra days to get enough total volume in OR if you just love going to the gym and you could either do:

  • Push, Pull, Legs, Push, Pull, Legs
  • Upper/Lower x 3
  • 3 full body sessions, legs, push, pull
  • 4 full body sessions, an upper and a lower
  • Or 6 full body workouts

Ultimately it matters less how many days you workouts per week, and more how consistently you can stick to a program and if it’s only 2 days per week then so be it.

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