How to Set Fitness Goals for the New Year

The start of a new year is a popular time to set fitness goals and start working towards a healthier you. But it’s also a time where a lot of people set goals…and fail.

So how do you set effective fitness goals that will actually get you results?

Here are some tips to help you set fitness goals for the new year.

Tip #1: Be specific.

Instead of setting a general goal like "lose weight," be specific about what you want to achieve. For example, "lose 10 pounds by March 1st" or "run a 5k in under 30 minutes by June 1st." Specific goals are more effective because they provide clear, measurable targets to work towards.

Tip #2: Make them achievable.

Your fitness goals should be challenging, but also achievable. If your goals are too difficult, you might become discouraged and give up - which is what we want to avoid. On the other hand, if your goals are too easy, you may not see the progress you're looking for. So, set goals that are challenging, but also within reach.

Tip #3: Be realistic.

In addition to being achievable, your fitness goals should also be realistic. Consider your current fitness level, your schedule, and other factors that may impact your ability to achieve your goals. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in the time frame you have set. Don’t get tempted to put too much on your plate at once.

Tip #4: Set short-term and long-term goals.

To stay motivated and on track, it's important to set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals provide immediate, achievable targets to work towards, while long-term goals provide a bigger picture and a sense of overall progress.

Tip #5: Be consistent.

Consistency is the secret sauce when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Make a plan and stick to it. Establish a regular routine and try to be consistent with your workouts and healthy habits.

With these tips, you can set effective fitness goals for the new year and start working towards a healthier you.

Looking for more help?

If you’re looking to up your health and fitness this year, but you have no idea where to get started and you’re looking for professional help, then click below to reach out about 1-on-1 coaching program.