Means đźš— > Ends đź“Ť

Means đźš— > Ends đź“Ť

I've been reading, "Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope" by Mark Manson. 

Great title, huh?

In it, Manson talks about the concepts of means and ends, which got me thinking about how so many of us approach our witness. 

Means vs. Ends

When it comes to health and fitness, the 'means' are the actions we take—the diet we follow, the workouts we endure. 

The 'ends'? They're the goals we dream of achieving: that chiseled physique, the ideal weight, or perhaps, becoming a walking symbol of sex appeal. 

But here's the catch—while it's tempting to focus on these glamorous ends, an obsessive focus on the outcome can lead to a path of misery. 

Because you are so damn focused on the end - that chiseled, hot bod - you initially would do anything to get there. 

Cutting out all carbs

Strenuous HIIT workouts

Removing any sort of fun & social from your life

Sounds horrible, right? It's because it is. 

And more often than not, this kind of approach leads to frustration and burnout - NOT turning you into a the Greek God you had imagined. 

Finding a Better Way

What if we flipped the script? 

What if we started to enjoy the means as much—or even more—than we crave the ends? 

Imagine finding joy in the process itself: savoring the foods that fuel you, finding excitement in movement, and celebrating the little victories along the way.

Manson points out a critical perspective: 

"When we indulge in ourselves, we are using ourselves as a means to our own pleasurable ends." 

This statement hits the nail on the head. By making the journey enjoyable, not only are the goals more likely to be achieved, but the lifestyle itself becomes sustainable.

This is YOUR journey

This week, let's challenge the traditional fitness narrative. 

Instead of a grim march towards a distant goal, relying on grit and discipline, let's turn it into a vibrant journey. 

Use your ultimate goal as a guiding North star—not as a burden but as a beacon to steer your enjoyable, healthy practices.

What small adjustments can you make today to enjoy your fitness journey a little more this week? 

Maybe it's swapping out an hour of grueling cardio for a nice walk at sunset.

You don’t have to move mountains in order to see fitness success. (Thank god).

In Conclusion

Remember, the true victory lies not just in reaching your fitness goals but in loving the steps you take to get there. 

This week, let's focus more on the means and less on the ends. 

Who knows? You might just find that this approach not only brings you closer to your fitness goals but also makes the journey a lot more fun.
