Let's Cut the Crap...

Your Guide to Kicking Fat to the Curb

Here's the deal.

When we chat about losing fat, a shit load of excuses start to fly around.

"There was this dinner thing..."
"Work was a nightmare..."
"I hit the bar..."
“I’m tired...”

Excuses, excuses.

I'm here to call out that BS

You say you want to shred that fat, boost your energy and feel good in your own skin.

So then, why the hell haven't you started yet?

No More BS

Ask yourself that, and watch the BS spill out:

  • "Can I cook? Does a microwave count?"
  • "I don’t know the ABCs of fitness."
  • "No gym membership."
  • "Diet? What’s that?"

Just Fucking Do It

Look, it doesn’t have to be like a Rocky montage.

Do something.


  • You know you need to quit being a couch potato and munch on something other than chips.
  • You know you can do push-ups or squats at home (yes, even in your PJs).
  • You know that swapping take out for some chicken and veggies won’t kill you.
  • You know you can scramble an egg or grill a chicken breast.
  • You know stuffing your face with pizza every night isn't doing you any favors.
  • You know your old clothes are just fine for a workout (who are you trying to impress, the weights?).
  • You know you’ll feel less like a zombie once you start moving.
  • You know that once you see a hint of a bicep, you’ll be pumped to do more.

But here's the real kicker…

You're Shittin’ Bricks

Scared of face-planting.

Scared of stepping into uncharted waters.

Scared of the laughter from the peanut gallery.

So, here's my advice:




And here's a harsh truth…

Get Off Your Ass

If you're clueless about where to start, don't sweat it. I've got you covered with these articles:


From Dad-Bod to Rad-Bod: Navigating the Nutrition Maze
So, you’ve decided to trade in the dad bod for a sleeker, more muscular version of you. (Congrats, brah.) You’re ready to dive in, but there’s just one problem – the internet. It’s a maze of fitness advice, overflowing with so many nutritional tips and conflicting diets that it’s enough to
The Ultimate 7-Day Fat Loss Meal Plan 😤
Introduction Are you tired of feeling like a beached whale after every meal? Do you dream of having six-pack abs, but your idea of “meal prep” is ordering a pizza for pickup? Well, fear not, because I’m here to help you shed those extra pounds and get on the fast


Workout Splits For Every Schedule
Whether you only have time to squeeze in two workouts each week, or you’re a permanent resident of the iron paradise here’s a quick guide on how you should split up your training. ☣️One thing to keep in mind, the less days you are in the gym, the
The Simplest Way to Choose the Right Weight at the Gym
I’m going to teach you how to choose the right weight in the gym as if I were explaining it to a 5 year old. So I got this message from one of my clients and decided to make this: 📱Curious tho, do you have any way to gauge
Band Only Workout Template
Are you working out at home and only have bands to use? Or maybe you’re going on vacation and will only have access to bands but you want to get a quick workout in? Have no fear, a band only workout is here. First off - here are the
You started going to the gym...now what?
We’ve all been there - walking into a gym and not knowing what the fuck to do. It’s okay, it happens. But let’s fix that once and for all. Below you will find an excellent workout template for beginners, intermidates, and advance trainees. Let’s get it brahhhh.

So stop with the excuses. Grab life by the balls and let's get started. You can do this.

Tired of not seeing results? 😪

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