I'm Bored AF With The Gym

Let me be real with you for a second…

I’m bored as fuck in the gym these days.

“But Eric, aren’t you a world renowned fat loss coach? You should LOVE the gym!”

And to that I would say, yes, I am a world renowned fat loss coach but I could (couldn't?) give two shits about going to the gym lately.

It’s felt more like a chore than anything.

The truth is, I’ve felt this way for a little while and after some reflecting I think I know why.

  1. I haven’t had any specific goals.
  2. I’ve been doing the same shit for too long.
  3. My gym really isn’t a vibe.

So let’s break these down…

If you'd preger to watch, here's the YouTube Video

I haven’t had any specific goals

I’ve been able to maintain a relatively fit physique for the past ~10 years without too much effort.

I’m not shredded as fuck.

But I’m also not fat.

Kinda fit, kinda fat - let’s go with that…

But this year (2023) I’ve seen my weight go up a bit higher than I’d care to admit.

I started the year off strong - my girlfriend Ashley and I were hitting the gym first thing in the morning and putting fitness first again, which felt amazing.

And then, on Friday the 13th January 2023, I fractured my ankle on my first run on my brand new snowboard during a record breaking snow year.


So that was obviously not a vibe in the slightest.

I couldn’t walk at all for 2 weeks and then was in a walking boot for about 6 weeks so my movement was WAY down - not ideal for looking super hot and shredded shirtless.

Not to mention, I was pretty depressed about the situation.

Not only could I not shred the freaking gnar on the mountain, but my day-to-day activities were that much more difficult trying to get around on crutches.

I was just excited to get back to my normal activities for a summer and fall FULL of weddings, trips, and other fun stuff we had planned.

After about two months, I was back on my feet and even back on the board.

But in the excitement and eagerness to get back out there and get moving, I failed to set any specific goals - and my physique is a representation of that right now - mistake #1.

I’ve been doing the same shit for too long

While this article might indicate differently, I’m a meat head at heart.

I fell in love with the gym after receiving my first pump at 24 Hour Fitness, cracked out on Jack3d pre-workout.

Real ones know what I’m talking about.

But since that magical day back in 2012, my style of training hasn’t changed too much off the meat head course and I’m honestly just bored with the gym.

I’ve cycled through bro splits, upper/lower splits, push/pull/legs, full body - you name it, I’ve done it.

I’ve done a lot in the gym.

I’ve focused on the the big three - squat, bench, deadlifts….

I’ve been intimate with the free weights…

And became a master of the machines…

The ONE area that I seldom venture off too…cardio.

I never saw the big draw to “running for fun”.

I know it’s important, and I do it occasionally.

My favorite forms of cardio are snowboarding, mountain biking hiking, and lifting weights - but just faster.

I’ve never really gotten into any type of endurance or cardio based sport…but there’s something inside of me that feels somewhat called to that.

My gym really isn’t a vibe

Don’t get me wrong, the gym I’ve been going to is really nice.

It’s clean, feels like a country club, and even has towel service for the locker rooms after a nice sauna and shower.

But the weight room is lack luster at best.

And the real kicker is, it feels like I’m working out in a nursing home.

I swear that I bring the average age down by at least 30 years when I sign in at the front desk.

Not necessarily the vibe to get a killer workout in.

So what’s the game plan?

I’m not 100% sure honestly.

Part of this was just to get these feelings out of my head and share my struggles with you (yes, YOU) and maybe you’re feeling the same way.

What I am sure is that I am ready to take things in a different direction.

Not only to make progress, but to just have FUN and enjoy training again.

That’s something my training has been missing - enjoyment - and it’s SO crucial for sticking with it and getting the most out of it.

“Hybrid Training” is all the rage it seems on social media.

Pairing strength training with running (isn’t that just…strength and conditioning? I digress)

But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit interested in giving it a shot to.

A) do something different that would definitely challenge me and

B) find some excitement and enjoyment when it comes to my fitness

Are you bored as fuck with the gym too?

If you're reading this and nodding your head, thinking, "Man, Eric gets me," then let's chat.

If the gym has become that mundane place you dread, if you’re lacking direction and purpose in your fitness journey, or if you're just craving some real passion in your workouts, I'm here for you.

I've been there – as you just read.

But I believe there's a way to find that spark again.

My 1-1 coaching program isn’t just about sets, reps, and meal plans.

It's about tapping into what moves you, setting tangible goals, and crafting a fitness path that aligns with your lifestyle and passions.

Ready to shift gears and ignite that fitness passion?

Click below to apply and let's make fitness fun again together.