If you want to look better naked, DO NOT go on a diet

If you want to look better naked, DO NOT go on a diet

If you want to look better naked, DO NOT go on a diet.

You’ve been told that in order to lose fat you have to do keto, carnivore, weight watchers, paleo, or go full vegan.

But you’ve been lied to for far too long, and I’m here to set the record straight.

Doing any of those things might help you look better temporarily…

Though in my humble, but accurate opinion…you don’t want to temporarily look better naked…

You want to look better for life.

And a generic diet simply won’t get you there.

The Fallacy of Modern Diets

Unsustainable and Unrealistic

Most modern diets are restrictive, generic, and boring.

Not something you can or want to do for very long.

The sheer thought of these diets are depressing enough without even trying to do one of them.

Plus, you’re a normal person.

You’re not trying to step on a body building stage or compete at an elite level.

You just want to feel confident when it’s time to get naked.

Something you maybe haven’t felt…ever.

Temporary Solutions to Bigger Problems

You don’t need another diet.

All another diet does is focus on the symptoms of your problem - not the actual problem itself.

For example, you might be thinking of going on a diet because you’ve gained some weight over the last few years.

The weight gain is only a symptom of a bigger problem, like living an unhealthy lifestyle, eating like crap, and not moving your body.

Instead of merely treating the symptoms (excess weight), it's essential to address the root problems, such as unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, emotional eating, or poor stress management. By addressing these underlying issues, you can create sustainable, long-term changes that will lead to the body you desire.

The Ideal Transformation: Becoming a New You

You don’t need a new diet - you need to become a new you.

What I mean by that is that instead of trying to get leaner, for example, you need to do the things that lean people do.

  • Choosing stairs over the elevator.
  • Opting for water over soda.
  • Including protein with every meal.
  • Integrating regular workouts into one's routine.

Four Levels of Consciousness

The goal with becoming a new you is to ascend the Four Levels of Consciousness.

The four levels are:

Unconscious Incompetence

This is where many start their fitness journey. They're unaware of the impact of their habits on health and body composition. At this stage, individuals are unaware of what they don't know. Often, they underestimate the role of diet and lifestyle in achieving their fitness goals.

Conscious Incompetence

Awareness begins here. Individuals recognize their shortcomings and the gaps in their knowledge about health and fitness. Past failed attempts, like unfruitful diets or sporadic workouts, stand as reminders. This realization often drives the desire for genuine change.

Conscious Competence

With gained knowledge in nutrition and exercise, individuals now make healthier choices. However, these decisions require conscious effort. From understanding balanced nutrition to sticking to workout plans, they are actively working on changing their habits.

Unconscious Competence

The pinnacle of the journey. Here, healthy habits have been so deeply ingrained that they become second nature. The individual's identity and lifestyle naturally encompass regular exercise, healthy eating, and prioritizing wellness.

The Hierarchy of Change and Why Diets Fail

Diets and the Lower Levels

Imagine our journey to a better body as a tall building. Most diets focus only on the first few floors: the 'Environment' and 'Skills and Drills' levels. Here's what that means:

  • Environment: This is about the outside stuff, the things around us. When diets say to toss out junk food or stock up on fruits, they're tweaking our environment. They change what's in our fridge, hoping it leads to healthier choices.
  • Skills and Drills: This is about the "how" of things. Counting calories, measuring food portions, and tracking macros are all skills. Diets often give us tools and rules, hoping they'll steer us right.

But there's a problem. These floors – or levels – don't hold the real power of change. They're like putting a fresh coat of paint on a cracked wall. It might look good for a bit, but the cracks? They're still there.

The Power of Top-Down Transformation

Now, imagine taking the elevator straight to the top floor: the 'Identity' level. This is where the magic happens.

  • Identity Change: We must see ourselves differently. It's the difference between saying, "I'm on a diet" and declaring, "I live healthily." That shift in words? It's a powerful change in mindset.
  • Values and Beliefs Fueling Change: Our beliefs act as the foundation. If we truly believe in long-term health over a quick fix, our choices reflect that. It means valuing consistency, even if it means going slower. It's not about being perfect today. It's about being better tomorrow.

When we start from the top, the floors below fall into place. We don't force habits; they become natural. We don't resist junk food; we crave what's good for us. It's not a battle. It's a smooth ride down.

In short, real change isn't about the next diet trend. It's about reshaping who we are from the inside out. Start at the 'Identity' level, and watch everything else align.


Diets come and go. They offer the allure of quick fixes, but in the end, they often leave us back where we started, or sometimes even a step behind. True transformation isn’t found in these fleeting solutions. It’s discovered in the depths of our identity, in the bedrock of our beliefs, and in the compass of our values.

It's not about chasing the latest food trend, but about understanding who we are, and more importantly, who we want to become. It's about believing in the long journey over the short sprint, and valuing the lessons we learn over the hurdles we face.

So, as you move forward, remember: the journey to a better self isn’t found in the pages of a diet book. It's written in the story of your life, in the choices you make, and in the beliefs you hold dear. Embrace that journey, dive deep into the essence of who you are, and find the lasting change you've always sought. Your best self awaits – and the path to discover it starts within.

Take The Leap Towards Lasting Transformation

Do you resonate with the journey described above? Are you at a point where you're ready to transform not just your body, but your entire approach to health and wellness? Then wait no longer.

Dive deep, reshape your identity, and create lasting change. My 1-1 coaching program is designed for individuals who are ready to rise above fleeting diet trends and truly commit to a renewed sense of self. Click the link below, and let's begin this transformative journey together.