How to Achieve the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sleep, often underrated, plays a pivotal role in our health and fitness journey.

While many chase the latest fitness trends or meticulously select organic foods, sleep is frequently overlooked. Prioritizing sleep can dramatically enhance your well-being.


Creating a sleep-friendly environment is crucial. Aim to make your bedroom cave-like: cool and dark.

To initiate sleep, your body temperature needs to drop by 1-3 degrees. Achieve this by keeping your room cool, either by lowering the air conditioning during warmer months or opening a window when it's cooler.

Habits and Routines

Consistent Sleep/Wake Schedule

Adhere to a regular sleep and wake schedule, even on weekends, for optimal sleep quality.

Sunlight Exposure

Expose yourself to sunlight for 10-60 minutes within the first hour of waking and again before sunset. This helps regulate your circadian rhythm. On days with minimal sunlight, consider using an artificial daylight simulator. Avoid sunglasses during this practice, but regular eyeglasses or contact lenses are fine.

Screen Time Management

Limit screen use to at least one hour before bedtime. The emitted light, especially blue light, disrupts sleep. Additionally, screen content can overstimulate the brain, hindering relaxation.

Nighttime Lighting

Avoid bright lights between 10 pm and 4 am. If you must wake up during this period, use minimal lighting and consider red light bulbs to minimize disruption to your circadian rhythm.

Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

Limit caffeine intake 8-10 hours before bedtime. For alcohol, be mindful that it can significantly impair sleep quality.

Sleep Gear

Investing in specific sleep gear can enhance your sleep experience.

  • Eye Mask and Blackout Curtains: Ensure total darkness to facilitate uninterrupted sleep.
  • Sound Management: If noise affects your sleep, consider using earplugs or playing brown noise.
  • Breathing Aids: Nasal strips and mouth tape can promote effective nasal breathing.


While the above strategies are primary, supplements like Magnesium, GABA, and Theanine can also aid in improving sleep. However, it's best to try non-supplemental methods first.

  • Recommended dosages: 145mg Magnesium Threonate or 200mg Magnesium Bisglycinate, 50mg Apigenin, 100-400mg Theanine. Occasionally, 2g of Glycine and 100mg GABA can be beneficial.
Magnesium Bisglycinate: Powdered formula that promotes restful sleep and muscle relaxation*
An ideal formula for active individuals wanting to unwind. Magnesium Bisglycinate is a lightly sweetened powder that is well-tolerated and well-absorbed.* NSF Certified for Sport®
Theanine: Amino acid from tea that supports a healthy stress response, relaxation, focus, and memory*
Theanine, found almost exclusively in the tea plant, helps modify brain waves by increasing alpha-wave production. It also enhances brain neurotransmitters involved in stress management.*

PharmaGABA-250: Contains natural-source GABA, a brain chemical to promote a calm state of mind and restful sleep*
PharmaGABA features a natural source of the inhibitory neurotransmitter – GABA. GABA supports restful sleep, acts like a “brake” on stress, and provides a focused state of mind.*


Optimizing your sleep is a powerful way to enhance overall health and fitness. By adjusting your environment, habits, and possibly incorporating specific gear and supplements, you can significantly improve your sleep quality.

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