Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Choices

You don’t get extraordinary results by doing something extraordinary.

You get extraordinary results by doing something ordinary for an extraordinary amount of time.”

I’ve heard Alex Hormozi say this or a variation of it multiple times and each time it HITS.

I fucking love this saying for a few reasons:

#1 - It Removes The Pressure

So you’re saying in order to be successful, I don’t have to be the best?

Phew, thank GOD.

#2 - It Simplifies Your Approach

You don’t have to find the perfect diet or the perfect workout program.

You just need a good enough plan, and to execute it relentlessly.

How This Applies To Fitness

I think as humans we all want to take the path of least resistance. And for good reason. I mean, who wants to work hard when you can work smart? But over the years, I think we’ve taken it to the extreme.

We’re trying to find the magic pill, the secret shortcut to everything.

There are some instances where this is a good idea.

But other areas, where it is not.

For example: your health and fitness.

We spend SO much time searching for and arguing over the perfect diet or the perfect workout.

This creates paralysis by analysis instead of actually getting started. You’re wasting time by trying to get it perfect, which isn’t possible or realistic. So all that time is wasted, when you should have just gotten started and made corrections along the way.

The reality is, pretty much anything will work as long as you stick with it long enough to see results.

It’s not about 1 perfect meal.

It’s about 1 year of consistent meals.

We Live In An Age Of Instant Gratification

  • Video games
  • Social media
  • The internet
  • Fast food
  • YouTube
  • Netflix
  • TikTok
  • Porn

In an instant, we can get a hit of dopamine and make ourselves feel better, or at least temporarily.

But the things that matter most take time to come to fruition. The things that are actually worth pursuing need time to be done right. Don’t rush it or you’ll risk burning yourself out and quitting. And quitting is the only way to fail.

You might not get it right the first time or right away. But if you keep at it, you will be successful. And this is a good thing.

When you have to work long and hard for some thing, it means more to you. When something in life comes easy, quickly, or without sacrifice, it is not nearly as meaningful.

That being said…I still hope I win the lottery, but you get what I’m saying.

It Cultivates Patience and Commitment

In a world that's rapidly evolving, we've been groomed to expect immediate outcomes. Unfortunately, this conditioning often leads us to abandon ship when results don't come fast enough. But by understanding that the journey is about steady, consistent effort – even if it’s ordinary – we’re reminded of the virtue of patience and the value of commitment.

The Power of Persistence

One of the most under appreciated aspects of achieving greatness is the element of persistence. Anyone can have a momentary stroke of genius or a short-lived period of intense motivation. But it's the continuous grind, the act of getting up and showing up every single day, even when it seems like progress is slow, that differentiates the ordinary from the extraordinary.

The Dangers of Shiny Object Syndrome

In our digital era, the next big thing is just a click away. New diet trends, innovative workout routines, and game-changing apps sprout up every day. While innovation is commendable, sometimes it’s the chase of the "new" that distracts us from the tried and true methods that have stood the test of time. Don't let the lure of something shiny divert you from your path. It's the simple things, when done consistently, that often bring the most profound results.

Consistency Over Intensity

It's tempting to think that if we throw all our energy into something for a short period, we'll get ahead faster. But in reality, it's the small, consistent actions that accumulate over time that lead to significant changes. A burst of extreme effort is not sustainable and can often lead to burnout. On the other hand, developing habits and setting routines allow you to build momentum, and over time, these habits become second nature.

Embracing the Journey

Achieving greatness isn't just about the destination; it's about the journey. It's the lessons you learn, the resilience you build, and the character you develop along the way. By embracing the process and understanding that results take time, you not only set yourself up for success but also enjoy the journey, making the end reward even sweeter.

In a world that moves at lightning speed, it’s crucial to remember that success is not always about the extraordinary feats, but often about doing the simple things consistently. So next time you're faced with a daunting challenge, or you feel overwhelmed by the pressure to be perfect, remember Alex Hormozi's words. And as you continue on your path, cherish the journey, stay consistent, and remind yourself that it's the series of ordinary actions that culminate in extraordinary results. And hey, while working consistently towards your goals, there's no harm in wishing for a little lottery luck on the side!


Extraordinary results require consistent action, guidance, and a clear roadmap. If you're ready to lose fat, build muscle, and most importantly, gain the confidence that comes with achieving these transformations, then let's embark on this journey together. I’ve dedicated my life to helping men just like you unlock their true potential and redefine their physique. Why waste another day lost in the noise of unproven methods and endless information? Click the link below to apply for my coaching program. Let's make the ordinary truly extraordinary together. 👇🏼